Auxilium Convent School, Barasat is an English medium school established in 1991 and owned by the Salesian Sisters, a body registered under the Societies Registration Act. XXVI of 1961 having its office in Dum Dum, Kolkata.
Auxilium Convent School – Barasat is a Catholic Educational institution conducted by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians also known as the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco. It is a Catholic Minority Institution recognized by the Education Department of the Government of West Bengal for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Examination (ICSE) and the Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi, with the affiliation number WB260.
The Salesian Sisters are working practically in all the countries through educational centers, orphanages and other charitable and promotional works. The School admits all children irrespective of caste and creed.
Aims and Objectives:
- The Primary aim of Auxilium Convent School is to impart sound formation (religious, mental, moral social and physical) based on the principles of Christian faith, to members of the Christian community and also to all others admitted to this Institution.
- It is run according to the principles and methods of St. John Bosco, a Modern Educator of Youth, based on convictions, prevention of faults, loving kindness and faith in God.
- The constant effort of the well – trained staff is to develop the individual personality of each pupil and bring out those qualities, which are best and noblest in them. Special attention is given to ensure a value – based education in order to enable the child choose the higher values of life, such as respect, love, peace, justice, goodness and brotherhood.
- Special attention is given to ensure a high standard of morality and discipline in the school. Guardians are requested to collaborate in this with the school authorities.
- To acquire greater facility in the study of English, only English should be spoken in the school premises.
- Each student must have a copy of the School Diary. This should be brought to school daily. It is subject to inspection any day by the Principal and Class Teachers.
- School Diary is signed by Principal/Vice Principal or their delegates. If a pupil loses the school diary, she / he will be subjected to disciplinary action. A fine of Rs. 50/- will be levied and a new diary will have to be purchased.
- No remark, once written in diary, can be cancelled by anyone other than the Principal/Vice Principal.
- Every student must possess an identity card issued by the school. This card is renewed every year.
6. No child is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours except on the strength of a written request from his parents and due authorization by the Principal/Vice-principal.
- Students are to address the Sisters, teachers and all the members of the staff with due respect and politeness inside and outside the school.
- Regularity and obedience will be exacted in class. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person will be inculcated and exacted.
- Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with the student’s name.
- Ornaments, Nose-pins, rings, bangles and costly articles of any kind are not allowed in school. Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged. The school is not responsible for the loss of goods or money.
- Parcels and letters addressed to the students are subject to inspection before handing them over to the student.
- Care must be taken of the school property. The students must not write, scratch or spoil the furniture, or in any way damage what is provided for
their use. Any damage to school property must be made good by the student concerned.
- Students are forbidden to give their teachers individual or collective presents. Students are forbidden to give birthday gifts to one another. Collection for any purpose whatsoever requires the Principal’s sanction.
- Students are forbidden to bring crackers, explosive and other dangerous material to school.
- Every child attending the school is obliged to take part in all the extra- curricular activities of the school as part of their civic training and no one will be excused except for valid reason. No pupil will abstain from physical exercise without the doctor’s certificate.
- Certificate, concession forms, attested copies etc, will be issued not before two days after the application has been submitted. No certificates of any kind will be issued except on the strength of a written application from the Parents / Guardians.
- Students are not allowed to enter classrooms other than their own.
- In the absence of the Teacher from the classroom, pupils are required to observe silence and obey the Captains of the class.
- Fines, which may be deemed necessary to be imposed on the students, are only to improve or to enforce discipline.
- Staying away from mandatory school functions including Annual Day and Sports Day without prior permission will be considered a major discipline default.
- Students are responsible to school authorities for their conduct not only in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any report or observed objectionable conduct outside the school on the part of the pupils will make them liable to disciplinary action. It is expected that through their good behaviour they must enhance the prestige of the school.
- Applications made to the Principal or the School Office is to be done in a decent sheet of paper. Applications submitted to the office or to the Principal inappropriately will not be considered.
- After School hours, students are not permitted to go from school for group outings organized on their own or to their friends’ houses for birthday or any other celebrations.
- Being a Catholic Institution, only Christian festivals are celebrated. No disrespect will be permitted to be shown to articles and images of religion and worship proper to our Christian faith. No other external forms of religious worship will be allowed in the school premises.
- Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel-nut or tobacco product, etc. is strictly forbidden. Students involved in fights, drugs, alcohol, smoking and stealing will incur automatic expulsion. Same is applicable for those who run away from the school.
- Students must be engaged to develop a spirit of generosity and gratitude. Hence they should be made to take an active part in ‘Charity Drives’ in aid of good causes. No collections of fines or raising of funds are to be made in the school without the explicit permission of the Principal.
- Daily requirements and tiffin have to be brought to the school by the students. No items will be accepted at the school gate or counter.
- Electronic gadgets, digital watches and diaries, toys, video games, pen drives, PSPs, DVDs, CDs, portable audio and video devices and any mass storage devices are forbidden in the school. Students who bring any of the above items are liable to be penalized. It would mean confiscation of the unit, suspension for a period of one week.
- No books, periodicals, comics newspaper or printed matter of an objectionable nature, must be brought into the school. All books for private reading be presented to the Principal/Vice-principal/Sr. In-charge for approval and may be retained in the school and read only if it bears the signature of one of these authorities. The school authorities have the right to search the bags of the students at any time, without any notice. Cell phones, cameras, books and other articles brought to school without authorization will be confiscated and shall not be returned to the owner.
30. Students are forbidden to join social media till they complete ICSE. They are not allowed to have the school staff as their friends in the social media. Students who are in classes XI and XII are permitted to join social media, but must do so with great discretion. They should have no negative comments in the social media about any individual. Breach of
the above code of conduct justifies expulsion from the school without further notice.
- Use of Mehendi and nail polish is forbidden in school. Hair cut with front fringes for girls is not allowed.
- Students from Cl.VIII onwards are allowed to wear wrist watches with black belts.
- On Birthdays, students of Cl. Nursery – IV are allowed to wear coloured dresses. On this occasion, only distribution of sweets is permitted.
- Students who are found guilty of teasing other companions verbally, passing on unnecessary messages which causes damage to the good name of others and cause tensions and disturbances among the school mates will be suspended for a week.
- Students who are found guilty of continuous disturbance in the class, fighting physically or throwing stones with the intention of hurting others will be suspended for a week and at the discretion of the Principal, if needed be given a TC at the end of the year if there is no behavioural changes.
- Though the school takes care of your ward while in school, the school cannot be held responsible for any self-inflicted or accidental mishap/injury, physical or otherwise that may befall on your ward.
- It is the policy of the school, as a rule, to discourage private tuition, as a student should be able to progress in her work as a result of good teaching.
- Teachers are not allowed to undertake private tuitions, which will in any way interfere with the proper execution of their school duties, including the preparation of lessons at home and correction of students’ assignments.
- New admissions are made only to Nursery class. Other admissions if any will depend on availability of seats. The school authorities will examine the new applicants and place them in the class they are found fit for.
- At the time of admission, the Original Birth Certificate should be produced from the Municipality / Corporation along with the photocopy should be produced. Catholic students must also produce a Baptism Certificate.
- Guardians are asked to fill in the admission form with utmost accuracy. The date of birth once registered will not be altered. No subsequent changes will be permitted.
- Pupils coming from a recognized school are required to bring a Transfer certificate from the school they attended last, countersigned by the inspector of schools and the mark sheet of the last annual examination.
- New pupils must be introduced to the Principal by their parents or guardians who will be responsible for their regularity, conduct and fees.
- The Principal is the final authority in granting admissions.
- Before withdrawing a student from the school, a month’s notice is to be given or a month’s fee in lieu of notice.
- The Transfer Certificate will be given for a fee of Rs.100/-
- No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full and that too only on the receipt of written application from the parents or guardians.
- Any Transfer Certificate that goes out of the state of West Bengal has to be countersigned by the CISCE Office and a fee of Rs. 200/- will be charged for the extra expenses for this service.
- Any student failing two years in succession in the same class or failing twice in three consecutive years, will have his name struck off the rolls and a Transfer Certificate will be granted.
- A student who has been dismissed from the school is not re-admitted. A student, who has taken TC, except in the case of transfer of residence, will not be re-admitted to the school.
- Irregular attendance, habitual want of application insubordination, contempt of authority, disrespect towards the staff, any kind of cheating or serious misconduct in the School and even outside the school premises or
any habit or behavior damaging the image or the good name of the school will be sufficient reason for the dismissal of a pupil.
- Any Certificate from the School will cost Rs. 50/-. Students of Classes X and XII would have to pay Rs. 100/- for their school leaving documents.
- The Principal’s decision is final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal.
IV. REGULARITY RECORD (Absence, Leave, Delay):
- No pupils should absent herself/himself without
obtaining leave previously, unless it is a sick leave.
- Leave for religious ceremonies or special occasions must be obtained earlier. However no consideration can be made to examinations and tests.
- No child suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend school.
- Leave must be obtained by the written application from parents or Guardians in the prescribed ‘Leave Record’.
- To be admitted to the classroom, those who have been absent or late must show their Teacher their ‘Regularity Record’ duly signed by the Sr. In- charge.
- Parents/Guardians should give a prior intimation to the school on the 3rd day of their ward’s absence if she/he is likely to be absent for a longer period.
- If an unauthorized absence from school exceeds 15 calendar days, the student’s name may be struck off the roll and she/he may not be admitted to the school.
- An absence due to illness for two or more days, besides being entered in the Regularity Record under “Absent”, must be accompanied by a doctor’s prescription. For an absence of three or more days, a ‘Leave’ must be taken from the school.
- Leave of absence for reasons such as birthdays, excursion, festivals, and urgent business are not considered sufficient. Absence from the school in order to study is never allowed.
- Late arrival to school is a breach of
discipline. A student who comes late to school
must enter the date and time of arrival into the Regularity Record under ‘Late’. Students
who come late to school habitually will not be granted attendance and may be sent back home.
- Five late arrivals will result in a ‘Parent Call’. Ten late arrivals will invoke suspension from the school.
- Re-admission to class, for absentees and late-comers, is granted when they show the teacher in charge the Regularity Record, duly countersigned by the Principal/Vice Principal.
- Early Departure is availed when there is an emergency at home or when a student gets sick in the school. It is not granted to those who come sick from home.
- In case a student falls sick/meet with an accident in the school premises, the student can be helped with immediate first aid only. The parents will be informed and are expected to come and attend the child immediately. The student’s identity card in parent’s custody must be produced at the gate. It is important to inform the school in writing, about any change in the phone numbers and residential address of the parents.
- It is mandatory for a student to attend the school on days marked ‘compulsory attendance’. Defaulters will invite a penalty as decided by the Principal. Attendance on the last day of the school before the vacation and on the first day after the vacation is compulsory. In case of sickness, the matter must be notified to the Principal ON THE SAME DAY with relevant medical documents.
- Promotion depends on the child’s performance throughout the year in the Tests and Terminal Examinations and not merely on marks scored in the Final Examination.
- Report of Weekly Tests and Terminal Examinations are given in the pupil’s Report Cards. The answer scripts of these tests, duly evaluated, are handed over to the student, to be taken home, signed by the parents and kept in the Test File in the class. Parents or Guardians should sign them regularly and follow the progress of the children. A student is expected to enter
her/his marks in the relevant columns of Achievement Record in the school calendar.
3. Promotion is decided at the Teachers’ meeting hence results are final and cannot be reconsidered. The evaluation of answer scripts during the examination is within the jurisdiction of the school. No parents or outside persons have the right to check or scrutinize the answer script.
- For students who are absent for the Tests and Terminal Examinations, no provision can be made for Supplementary tests. However no student must come to school to do a test and go back home after the test. He must attend the full day class.
- Attendance for Internal Assessments and Projects for classes IX-XII is compulsory on the day scheduled. No exceptions can be made in this regard. Defaulters may be awarded zero in that particular subject.
- There is no arrangement for ‘Re-examination’ or ‘Promotion on Trial’.
7. No pupil will be promoted to the next class if the attendance during the year is below 85%.
- Answer papers of the Final Examinations will not be under any circumstance be shown to the parents.
9. If a student remains absent for any examination without proper intimation from the parents in advance, a heavy penalty will be levied. It is obligatory for the parents to meet the Principal and inform the reason for the absence.
- Students whose academic performance is indifferent or poor in spite of the efforts by the school and / or whenever disciplinary profile is not satisfactory will not be admitted to the Senior Secondary school Section of the school after the Secondary School Examination.
11. (a) Breach of any of the regulations of conduct at examinations or indiscipline in or outside the hall or the use of unfair means, even if discovered subsequently, will merit the cancellation of the particular paper and the student concerned will be awarded a zero and it will be entered as a general remark in the Report Card. And if such misconduct is repeated, she will be dismissed from the school.
(b) A student who has made arrangements to obtain unfair help in connection with the question papers from any persons or any agency the candidate is liable to have her result in the examination cancelled as a whole. Candidates who are detected giving or obtaining, or attempting to give or obtain, unfair assistance, or who are otherwise detected in any dishonesty whatsoever will be debarred from the examination.
(c ) A student is not expected to have in his/her possession any book, memorandum, or pocket book, notes, or papers whatsoever, during the examination.
- Report must be collected by the parents on the stipulated day. Defaulters may be penalized by means considered appropriate by the school authorities.
13. Promotion will not be granted to students who fail in Moral Science/Catechism and SUPW.
- In all questions of promotion or failure, the Principal’s decision is final.
- To stimulate a keen sense of union among all pupils in school
- To stimulate a greater effort in spots and academic achievements
- To develop a sense of belonging and consequently a good spirit
- To train in leadership and sense of responsibility
- To offer the pupils models whom they can imitate
The cultural and co-curricular activities of the school are conducted through House System and Club System in accordance with the educational method of St. John Bosco.
The House System provides ample opportunity for all round education and development of the students. There are Four Houses each having its own Colour, Patron and Motto and guided by the appointed Moderators.
Bosco | St. John Bosco | Red | Love | January 31 |
Mazzarello | St. Mary Mazzarello | Blue | Peace | May 13 |
Savio | St. Dominic Savio | Green | Joy | May 6 |
Vicuna | Bl. Laura Vicuna | Yellow | Courage | January 22 |
- Music Club 2. Dance Club 3. Sports Club
4. Eco Club 5. Art & Creativity Club 6. Literary Club
7. Media Club 8. Quiz & Debate 9. YCS
10. Social Service Club 11. Scouts & Guides
Each House and Club is guided by Co-ordinators, Captains, Vice-Captains.
At the end of the year trophies are presented to winning House for games and academics.
- Every student must wear a clean, complete and correct uniform daily. Uniform is compulsory for all school activities, both curricular and co- curricular, on instruction days as well as on non-instruction days. Defaulters may be sent back home. Whenever the complete or correct uniform cannot be worn, permission to attend school must be obtained on the Regularity Record under “UNIFORM”
- To ensure uniformity, the uniform must be obtained from the AUTHORISED SCHOOL TAILOR, NO OTHER SHADE OR PATTERN WILL BE PERMITTED.
The uniform will be as follows:
- White blouse with short sleeves with ACS monogram
- Navy blue box pleated skirts upto the knees.
- Black shoes and white socks with two stripes upto the ankle
- White hair band or white ribbon
- Hair style to be plain, no front fringes.
- Navy blue ready-made cardigan with front open for winter
- Blue blazer with ACS monogram
- Blue Tie with ACS and a house badge
- White canvas
shoes on P.T. days
- House dress with P.T. shoes on every Wednesday
- White Shirt with half sleeves with ACS monogram
- Navy blue short pant – nursery to class III
- Full pants – Class IV onwards
- Black shoes with white socks with two stripes
- Navy blue pull over for winter
- Blue blazer with ACS monogram
- Blue tie with ACS and House badge
- White canvas shoes on P.T. days
- House dress with P.T. shoes on every Wednesday.
- The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
- The fees are to be paid on or before the due date, failing which a late fee of Rs.50/- will be levied up to the end of the month. Due dates are clearly indicated in the school diary.
3. Fees once paid are not refunded.
- Pupils failing to pay fees for three consecutive
months may be barred from sitting for
examination and are liable to have their names struck off the rolls.
- Pupils joining or leaving the school during any term will have to pay the tuition fee of the month and the annual fees. Absence from examination does not mean exemption from Examination fees.
- Annual Fees and Examination Fees shall be paid
at the time of admission or renewal
of School Calendar. All the dues must be paid before the Final Examination.
- The school reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year if any increment is considered necessary.
There are three Vacations during the year:
The Summer Vacation (May – June)
The Autumnal Vacation (September – October) The Winter Vacation (December – January)
These holidays may not be extended or anticipated. In view of the required number of working days as prescribed by the council, unscheduled holidays will be made up with classes on Saturday s as and when required.
- Strict silence and order must be observed by all in the library.
- All articles, personal belongings and bags must be left outside when entering the library. Only an exercise-book and library book, if to be returned, may be taken into the library.
- Library cards are to be surrendered to borrow book from the library. Only one book will be issued per card and no student can take a book on another’s card. A book can be kept for one week only. No renewal will be allowed. Books overdue may be returned on any day with a fine of Rs.25/- per day.
- Books exclusively meant for consultation are not to be taken out of the library. They remain available to all students all the time.
- Before leaving the library every student must submit for scrutiny the books borrowed.
- All magazines, reference book or books used while in the library must be put back in the proper place after reading.
- Books borrowed from the library must be returned directly to the librarian. They must not be circulated. A student who circulates books borrowed from the library may have his library card withdrawn and may be fined as well.
- A remark will be entered in the library page of the school diary for every book returned late. Three such remarks will result in the withdrawal of the lending card and a fine of Rs. 50/- may be imposed.
- Any defect noticed in a book that is being borrowed, the librarian should be notified. Failure to do this checking renders one liable to be considered responsible for the defect noticed on the return of the book. Fines will be imposed for damages done to books and articles in the library.
- Books lost must be replaced by the borrower or exact amount to be paid.
- Library cards are distributed once a year, in April. A lost card may be replaced by a new one but a fine of Rs. 50/- will have to be paid.
- No books shall be retained by the students during the summer, autumn and winter vacations.
- During class hours (8.00 am – 2.00 pm) classes will be allowed into the library only according to the time table published by the Principal. Permission to enter the library at other than the scheduled hours must be obtained from the Principal.
- The Computer Centre is a place of learning and
serious work. For this ‘Silence’
is a very necessary element.
- Dust is the greatest enemy of the computer. Remove shoes before entering the room. Wear clean socks.
- Take nothing into the computer room without the prior permission of the teacher. No pen drives or CDs are to be brought to the computer room.
- The computer is a complicated electronic instrument which is learned through instruction and operation. Follow the instructions of the teacher carefully.
- The computer is a very delicate and expensive machine. Damages must be paid for by the student. Report immediately any kind of defect or damage, so that prompt action can be taken and the machine is available for the next user.
- Silence should be maintained by all inside
the Science laboratories.
- Written permission is to be taken from the Principal/Vice-principal to enter the laboratory other than the stipulated time.
- All school bags and any other articles not pertaining to the laboratories should be kept outside.
- The student must accept responsibility and pay for any damage she/he causes to the equipment in the laboratories.
- During practical classes all students are expected to wear over coats. A student who has no over coat will not be admitted to the laboratory.
- The Course follows the I.C.S.E. Examination. It is a separate course and admission to it is entirely restricted to students who have completed the
I.C.S.E. Examination. Admission is wholly at the discretion of the School authorities. A new application is required for admission to this Course.
- I.S.C. students must follow exactly the same
pattern of discipline as the students
of the rest of the School. They must wear the uniform, provide themselves with and bring daily to class
the School Calendar and follow all the rules
and instructions outlined
in the prospectus given therein.
- Criteria for admission
to ISC:
- Regularity in attendance and work in class IX & X as well as good character and involvement in co-curricular activities. Mere academic proficiency will not make the students for admission to Class XI.
- Higher performance in the Board Examination and consistent academic performance in Class IX & X
- Failure to maintain the standard of conduct and discipline expected of senior students according to the expressed and traditional norms of the School will be sufficient reason for dismissal at any time.
- The admission however, will be barred to those students, whose parents do not attend the parent Teacher Meetings, or whose Report Card remain uncollected after the examination; or Students who have been regularly defaulting in doing home works and projects and submitting it for correction.
- (1) Humanities – A student must secure a minimum of 65% in English for provisional admission. (2) Commerce – A student must secure a minimum aggregate of 70% in Mathematics, (3) Science – A student
- Criteria for admission
to ISC:
must secure 75% in each of the following subjects: Mathematics and Science.
- She/he should ensure that the leaders carry out their duties in a responsible and impartial
- She/he should command the whole school discipline at prayer assemblies every morning and at all school gatherings.
- She/he should be constantly alert, observant and sensitive to the needs of the school and act promptly after consulting and getting orders from the Principal / Vice Principal.
- She/he should show exemplary behavior with head held high, providing a shining example of leadership, trust, courtesy, love and goodness.
- She/he should receive the visitors, the parents etc during the school functions, activities and Inter School Competitions.
- She/he should play an active role in organizing Inter House and Inter School activities.
- She/he should bring to the notice of the Teachers minor day to day problems of the students like fights, misunderstanding, injuries, damage to the school property, missing articles etc.
- Special attention shall be paid by the Class
Teachers in choosing suitable leaders.
Names shall be submitted to the Sr. In-charge whenever there is a change.
- The leaders must be as far as possible exemplary in conduct and industrious in their studies.
- They must be able to command respect in the class.
- They are employed for all assistance in the class, e.g. maintaining discipline, attending to the cleanliness and the neatness of the class room,
bringing charts, maps, reporting to the concerned authorities about various needs of the class, up keeping of the bulletin board etc.
- They must rub out the writing on the black board
immediately after each period.
- The leader will write each day on the black board, the date and the number of students present out of the total in their class.
- The leaders have to realize that to be a leader is a special privilege and honour. To betray the trust and confidence reposed in them is to commit a most degrading act.
- It is incumbent on all the leaders to report to the Principal, the Teacher in Charge or the Class Teacher any breach of discipline noticed even during the recess.
- In the event of a teacher being absent, they must inform the principal / Vice-principal within the first five minutes from the commencement of periods.
- Parents
retain their rights and duties in the education of their children, even though they delegate them in part to
the school. The support and collaboration
of parents, is in all cases considered indispensable for the success
of the work of education
carried out by the school.
- Parents and guardians are earnestly requested to cooperate with the School Authorities regarding rules, diligence, punctuality, lessons, co- curricular activities and character training of the children.
- Ordinarily communications with parents/guardians are made through the School Diary. Parents/Guardians are requested to go through the School Diary daily and to sign the remarks/comments made by the Principal or Teachers.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for the transport arrangements of their wards. They should see that the children reach well in time for the school before the commencement of the assembly. In case the buses fail to bring the children in school due to unavoidable reasons the parents are requested to make alternative arrangements to reach their wards in time in school.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to make proper
arrangement to collect the students
immediately after the school hours. Though proper care will be taken to
ensure the safety of the children, the school cannot be held responsible if the student
leaves the school campus on his / her own accord.
- Any communication (request or complain) made by the parents should be addressed to the Principal.
- Parents are requested to look through the Regularity Record, Report Book and answer scripts of their wards periodically.
- Parents/Guardians are strongly exhorted to co-operate with the school authorities:
- by not engaging private tutors who are teachers of the school
- by urging their wards to be regular and punctual in attendance
- by encouraging the children to participate in activities conducted by the School
- by seeing that their wards are diligent at home work and lessons
- by insisting on neatness and cleanliness in the text books, exercise books and personal appearance of their wards
- by occasionally seeking an interview with the Principal and the teacher concerned to discuss the progress of their wards
- by attending Parent’s
meet and Parent-Teacher Meetings organized by the School authorities
- Parents/Guardians cannot dictate to the school authorities as to the process of admission or dismissal of students. They will neither interfere whatsoever with the school administration.
- Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during School hours. You are allowed to meet the teachers after school hours. Parents must intimate the same to the respective teachers a day in advance through their ward.
- Negative/defamatory propaganda propagated by the parents/guardians of the wards (students) tending to pollute internal atmosphere of the school and detrimental to the students character building will lead to the removal of the student/ students from the Institution.
- Admittance into the school premises is at the
sole discretion of the school authorities
who reserve to themselves the right
to refuse admission to anyone without assigning
any reason whatsoever.
- School campus is a tobacco free and a non-smoking zone at all times. Use of mobiles in the school campus is forbidden.
- When coming to drop/pick-up children or coming to school for any purpose, parents should be decently dressed.
- Exemplary behaviour is expected from Parents/Guardians in and outside the school campus.
- A record of address of Parents or Guardians is maintained in the School. Any change of address or Phone Number should be communicated to the School Office without delay.
Young Christian Students’ movement, which is generally known as YCS is an Association initiated under the leadership and vision of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn, a pioneer of Catholic Social Action and Lay Apostolate in the Church in 1920. It is a student movement for, by and among students. It helps the students to realize their student vocation and responsibility in the context of Indian society.
Its Aim and Objectives are ‘To build up a new society, God’s Kingdom’ – through promotion of communal harmony with members of all faiths, protection of environment, working towards integral Formation of oneself and others. The members follow the methodology of awareness, reflection and action. It is a way of expressing and communicating faith. The spirituality of YCS is a spirituality of action and involvement, which is an expression of faith.
The Association of past pupils of the Salesian Sisters (FMA), which is
recognized as a member of the
Salesian Family, is a lay group, promoted by the Institute of the Salesian Sisters.
On June 24, 1870 when in Italy, the Turin Oratory was celebrating Don Bosco’s feast there came a special group of visitors led by Mr. Charles Gastini. They were Don Bosco’s past pupils. On seeing them Don Bosco exclaimed: “One of my greatest joy is to hear people praising my past pupils”. “Yes”, he told them, “As I loved you when you were young pupils, now that you are grown up, I love you much more….”
On behalf of the past pupils Mr. Charles Gastini assured Don Bosco that in gratitude for the education received they would form an association of the past pupils to be a LIVING MONUMENT OF DON BOSCO in the world. During the life time of Don Bosco every year, for eighteen years, the Past Pupils returned to Don Bosco. Today with the spread of Don Bosco Institutions throughout the world the association has grown into a World Confederation.
The World Confederation of the Past Pupils of the Salesian Sisters (FMA) was founded on March 19, 1980 at the FMA house in Turin. The Association is structured as follows: The World Confederation, the Provincial Federations and the Local Associations. It is made up of men and women who have been educated in any work of the Salesian Sisters, irrespective of their religious, cultural, social or ethnic background. Membership is open to those who, though not educated by the Salesian Sisters, have become aware of Salesian values and have assumed them in their own lives, through an appropriate formation process.
It is the wish of Don Bosco that the students who leave a Don Bosco Institution should find the office of the Past Pupils Association, register their names, participate in the activities and partake of the privileges and responsibilities of a Don Bosco education following its motto:
(Given by Don Bosco)
Attitude to God
- Remember that we have been created in order to love and serve God, our Creator, and that all learning and wealth in this world amount to nothing without the fear of God on which our temporal and eternal welfare depends.
- Give glory to God for whatever learning you have for. He is the Author of every good. Do not glory in any ability.
- Give yourself to the practice of virtue while you are young. The virtues to be cultivated most are modesty, purity, humility, obedience and kindness.
- By modesty is meant a proper and decent manner of speaking and acting. This is one of the best ornaments of your age.
- Avoid
every kind of sin, but especially there evils should be particularly avoided:
- Taking the name of God in vain;
- Impurity in thought, word or deed;
- Stealing
These evils draw down God’s anger upon us. But if we keep these evils far away from us, God will never fail us with his blessings.
Attitude to Teachers
- Respect every teacher whether of your own class or not. Be grateful towards those who taught you in the past. Show your teachers those exterior sings of reverence to which they are entitled, such as greeting them whenever you meet them.
- Be convinced that your teachers deeply feel their serious obligation of promoting your welfare in the best way they possibly can, and that in advising and correcting you, they have nothing else in view than your own good.
- After piety study is the most praise worthy. Therefore your first occupation must consist in doing the tasks assigned to you by your school.
- Always rise when your teacher enters class and again when she / he leaves. If she / he delays in coming, do not make any noise, but wait for her / him in your place in silence, reviewing your lesson.
- During class avoid whispering or interrupting.
6. Arrogant and challenging behaviour towards teaching or non-teaching staff is forbidden. On their way to and from school, students must behave in a decent manner. Any behaviour that may bring disrepute to the school must be avoided. A student who indulges in inappropriate behaviour may be suspended or even dismissed.
Attitude to School- mates
- Strive to edify your school-mates by your good example at all times. In fact no sermon is more efficacious than good example.
- Never make fun of those who are backward in the lesions. Let there be no ridiculing of anyone on account of his / her physical defects. What you laugh at or despise in others may some day befall you.
- Gladly help one another. At recreation make no distinction in the choice of your companions. Let no one be slighted in any game and let there be no selfishness. If there be need to make a sacrifice for the sake of the team let it be made cheerfully.
- When you are asked by a Superior regarding the conduct of some of your companions, answer to the best of your knowledge especially when it is a matter or preventing or remedying some evil. To be silent would not be beneficial to your companion and would be offensive to God. Always avoid exaggeration and speak truthfully.
Behaviour at School
- To write or draw on the blackboard (except when called upon to do so), to write words offensive to anyone, to soil walls or maps or anything else are things absolutely to be avoided.
- Take great care of your Text Books, Exercise copies and other belongings. Beware of appropriating your neighbor’s property even if it be the smallest things. Should you find a lost article give it at once to the Principal.
- Keep the floor clean by allowing no paper or ink to fall no it. Cleanliness and purity of students are reflected by a clean and neat exterior.
- Always have high regard for your School, keep its Respect and Honour as a Responsible student.
- Whenever you move from place to place be orderly. Do not push or shove one another.
- Speak well of all, think well of all, do good to all.
Behaviour outside School
- Speak no ill of your school-mates, or of the discipline or management of the school. Everyone is perfectly free to remain or not to remain in the school.
- Always speak well of your School and of your Teachers.
I have read, understood and am willing to abide by the rules and regulations given in the School Prospectus, in letter and spirit.
Signature: | ||
……………………………… | ……………………………… | ……………………………… |
Father | Mother | Candidate |
Date: …………………………………………………